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  • Welcome to Waushara County

    The Waushara Area Chamber of Commerce is dedicated to its members in assisting their marketing efforts and utilizing resources available to them. Our goal is maximizing a county-wide partnership that creates Waushara County as a destination for potential tourists, a place for local citizens to patronize, and a variety of attractive communities for future development.

  • Waushara County Prevention Council

    • Community Organizations
    • Personal Services
    Mary LaBlanc
    PO Box 688
    Wautoma, WI 54982
    (920) 787-6600
    • About

      As an organization, our mission is to serve as “a network of committed community members and organizations that collaborate and advocate for effective prevention programs serving
      Waushara County, Wisconsin.”

      Our vision is to be “a visible, proactive and inclusive resource promoting effective
      prevention efforts to meet the changing needs of our communities….”

      The Waushara Prevention Council Inc. has established working committees to carry out its mission and work in the community. Current committees include:

      Active Aging
      Healthy Communities Healthy Youth
      Resource Information Committee
      Vision 2020: Ending Poverty in Waushara County

    • Upcoming Events